Donors and Sponsors
We thank the following persons, families, businesses and foundations,
whose financial support has been vital to our many successes over the years.
Donor and Sponsor Support January 1, 2023- June 30, 2024
Carilion Clinic
Ceres Foundation, Inc.
City of Roanoke
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Plymale Foundation
Ronald Reese (in memory of Edith Reese)
Roanoke Women's Foundation
MASTERPIECE ($5,000 - $9,999)
Community Foundation Serving Western Virginia
Frank Flippin
New River Electrical Corporation
Roanoke Arts Commission
Virginia Literacy Foundation
MASTERWORK ($2,500 - $4,999)
Articus Solutions
David and Pam Booth
Charlotte Hines
Presbytery of the Peaks
Roanoke Natural Foods Co-Op
Dr. Diane Wiggins
PULITZER ($1,000 -- $2,499)
Dr. A. Sidney Barritt
Barbara and Warner Dalhouse
Louise Forsyth
Freedom First
Marianne E. Gandee
Rand and Jan Garrett
Gentry Locke
Grace Immigration PLLC
Mary Kegley (in memory of George Kegley)
Robert Kegley
Stan and Elise Lanford
Debbie McKinley
MKB Realtors
Mary and Kipper Nottingham Charitable Fund
Holly S. Peters
Roanoke Public Library Foundation
David and Carol Rowan
Sam's Club
Rudolph and Ellen Van Thiel
Joe Vaughn and Connie Brockenbrough-Vaughn
BEST SELLER ($500 -- $999)
Hazel L. Bernard
Blue Ridge Sign & Stamp, Inc.
Aaron Bond
Cartledge Charitable Foundation
Christ Episcopal Church
Council of Community Services
Margie and Greg Cundiff
William and Diane Elliot
Eye Care and Surgery, P.C.
Bev and Shirley Fitzpatrick (in honor of Sheila Umberger)
W. Heywood Fralin
Robert and Maryellen Goodlatte
Troy A. Harmon
F. Staley Hester, Jr.
Jeanne Larsen and Thomas Mesner
Anna Lawson
Charles and Patricia Marlowe
Martin, Hopkins & Lemon, P.C.
Carl and Helen McCurdy
Member One Credit Union
Lee and Dawn Meyers
Jim and Pam Mullet
Jennie Sue Murdock (in honor of Sheila Umberger)
Harry and Natalie Norris
S. Kime Patsel
Carleton Reed
Pam Reilly
Kathryn Riddle (in honor of Ninon Hentz and in memory of Larry Riddle)
Dawn Roberts
Sally and Walter Rugaber
John and Sue Trinchere Foundation
Barry and Libba Wolfe